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Langley Grammar School

Langley Grammar School

Sixth Form Admissions

Langley Grammar School offers a very wide range of AS and A level subjects for Sixth Form students. We also offer an extensive programme of complementary studies, which includes a choice of enrichment courses, a fortnightly lecture series, physical education, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, participation in musical and drama productions as well as opportunities for service to the school and community. It is our aim to give our students as broad an experience as possible during their two years in the Sixth Form. 

Our students’ A level performance over the past three years is also excellent in terms of 'added value'. This view is supported through an annual independent report published by 'Alps', a national system of A level results analysis which is recognised by Ofsted. The Sixth Form has been consistently awarded an ALPS Grade 3 or higher over several years, recognising that our Sixth Form is in the top 25% in the UK for value added. The great majority of our students progress to Higher Education, with a significant proportion successfully gaining places on competitive courses at Russell Group universities. OFSTED judged the Sixth Form and the rest of the school to be 'Outstanding' in November 2021.

There is a very effective tutor system in the Sixth Form, we take great interest in your progress, providing advice and encouragement when needed. There are also numerous student leadership opportunities for students to both develop personally and to contribute to the life of the school.

Sixth Form Admissions September 2025 

Thank you to those who have applied to join our Sixth Form in September 2025, we have received an unprecedented number of applications this year and are currently reviewing all complete applications. We will be contacting students with an outcome in late April.